I am Lois Elder, the sole proprietor and the person you can hold accountable for successful outcomes from your advertising
efforts. I am...
- Accessible...
What makes me so special? I’m the first and only person you work with. No layers. No passing you on to “the
the right person.” Want to talk to the boss? Call me. I’m not the employee. I’m the owner. And I respond immediately!
- Approachable...
With 25+ years as a full-service marketing and advertising agency professional in Pittsburgh PA, I listen, plan and deliver. Let me be the valuable asset to
your business and unique resource who will get the job done and done right. I provide the personal touch and complete project
- Thorough...
My business strategy is no secret. A company small by design but big on delivery and results through organized,
sensible plans. I work with you. I work within your budget to help you gain results, value and success.
I am a Unique Resource...
for Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania area advertisers, business owners, small companies, large companies, and boutique agencies, working with traditional and non-traditional media for business-to-business, retail, sales promotion, and corporate strategies. Project work. On-going programs. Complete campaigns. I know how to effectively outsource so you get a full service advertising agency and great service within your budget.